Privacy Policy

The Zabbix Cloud Privacy Policy has been developed under the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (“GDPR”), and other applicable laws and regulations in the area of privacy and data processing. The Controller of the personal data processed under this Zabbix Cloud Privacy Policy is Zabbix SIA, a company registered in the Republic of Latvia under unified registration number 40003738045, registered office: 117 Dzelzavas street, Riga, LV-1021, Latvia.

1. Information Zabbix collects:

The personal data Zabbix SIA (“Zabbix”) collects is directly provided by Zabbix Cloud users (“Customers”) when they register and use Zabbix Cloud services (“Services”).

Account data and contact information: When Customer registers on Zabbix website to subscribe to Services, Customer voluntarily gives Zabbix certain information. This typically includes the Customer’s name, company name, email address, and sometimes Customer’s phone number, postal address (when an invoice is required), as well as a personal password stored in hashed format without possibility for Zabbix to see the password in plaintext.

Zabbix never records or stores credit card information from Customers and Zabbix always relies on trusted third-party PCI-DSS compliant payment processor for credit card processing, including for recurring payment processing.

Customer’s Content: When Customer subscribes to Services and creates Customer’s own data or any other content (“Content”), any Content that Customer submits or uploads into Zabbix Cloud while using Services is Customer’s own, and Customer controls it fully.

2. How Zabbix uses this information:

Account data and contact information: Zabbix uses Customer’s contact information to provide Services, to answer Customer’s requests, and for billing and account management reasons. Zabbix may also use this information for direct marketing and communication purposes (Zabbix’s marketing messages always come with a way for you to opt-out at any time).

Customer’s Content: Zabbix’s technical support team and infrastructure engineering teams may access Customer’s Content in a limited and reasonable manner, including through such technical means as temporarily connecting to customer backend, frontend components or reviewing log files, to solve any issue with Services, or at Customer’s explicit request for technical support reasons, or as required by law, or to ensure the security of Services in case of violation of Acceptable Use Policy that is set out in Zabbix Cloud Terms of Service to keep Services secure.

3. Accessing, Updating or Deleting Customer’s Personal Information

Account data and contact information: Customer has the right to access and update personal data that Customer has previously provided to Zabbix. Customer can do so at any time by connecting to Customer’s Account in Zabbix Cloud. If Customer wishes to permanently delete Customer’s Account or personal information for a legitimate purpose, Customer should contact Zabbix to request so. Zabbix will take all reasonable steps to permanently delete Customer’s personal information, except when Zabbix is required to keep it for legal reasons (typically, for administration, billing and tax reporting reasons).

Customer's Content: Customer can manage any data collected in Content hosted on Zabbix Cloud at any time, using Customer’s administration credentials, including modifying or deleting any personal data stored therein. Customer is responsible for processing any personal data stored in the Content in compliance with all applicable privacy regulations. Customer may either delete the Content by itself or request the deletion of the entire Content via Customer’s control panel, at any time.

4. Third Party Service Providers / Subprocessors

In order to support Zabbix’s operations Zabbix relies on several Service Providers. They help Zabbix with such services as payment processing and cloud hosting.

Whenever Zabbix shares data with these Service Providers, Zabbix makes sure that they use it in compliance with GDPR, and that the processing they carry out for Zabbix is limited to a specific purpose and covered by data processing agreement.

Below is a list of the Service Providers Zabbix is currently using, the purpose of use, and the data shared with them.

A. Subprocessors

Subprocessor Purpose Shared Data
Amazon Web Services, Inc.
Infrastructure and hosting Currently hosted by AWS:
Account data and contact information

B. Third-party Processors and Controllers

Service Provider Purpose Shared Data
Payment processing on Zabbix Cloud Shared with Stripe:
Order details (amount, description, reference;
Customer name and email.
Only stored by Stripe:
Credit card info.

5. Data Retention

Account data and contact information: Zabbix will only retain such data as long as necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, as laid out in this policy, including any legal retention period, or as long as necessary to carry out a legitimate and reasonable promotion of Zabbix services.

Customer's Content: Zabbix will only retain this data as long as necessary for providing the Services the Customer subscribed to. For Content hosted on Zabbix Cloud, the following provisions apply: (i) if Customer cancels its node’s subscription, then the node will be deleted right after the end of paid period; (ii) if Customer does not pay for the node before the expiry of payment deadline, then the node will continue to work for 5 days until stopped, and the node will be deleted after 10 days from the payment deadline; (iii) if Customer has not added payment method for trial node, then the node will be stopped and deleted 5 days after the end of trial period.

6. Third Party Disclosure

Except as explicitly mentioned above, Zabbix does not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer Customer’s personal data to third parties.

7. Policy Updates

Zabbix may update this Zabbix Cloud Privacy Policy from time to time, in order to clarify it, to reflect any changes to Services, or to comply with legal obligations. The "Last Updated" mention at the top of this Zabbix Cloud Privacy Policy indicates the last revision, which is also the effective date of those changes.

8. Contacting Zabbix

If Customer has any question regarding this Zabbix Cloud Privacy Policy, or any enquiry about Customer’s personal data, Customer can reach out to Zabbix by filling out the form that is available on Zabbix’s website.

Last revised on September 6th, 2024.